中文堂講員 Chinese Ministry Speaker
英文堂講員 English Ministry Speaker
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參加教會名單 Participating Churches
註冊時間: 2024年3月17日至4月21日
Registration Time: 03/17/2024-04/21/2024
感謝神!2024年的佛州華人基督徒夏令退修會將要在2024年5月24-26日在 Lake Yale舉行。 佛州衆教會的弟兄姐妹們可以奉主的名聚集在一起敬拜讚美神,領受神話語的教導,享受團契的美好時光。
2024年的主題是【認識神,心意更新】。今年大會的中文部講員是趙約翰牧師夫妻,英文部講員是Pastor Kevin Anderson。今年中文部特別安排了四個專題講座來服事弟兄姐妹們的需要。
- 5/24 5/24 週五晚上 證道 1 認識上帝的恩典,得主喜悅
- 5/25 5/25 週六早上 -1 證道 2 認識上帝的工作,追求聖潔
- 5/25 週六早上 -2 證道 3 認識上帝的應許,持定信心
- 5/25 週六晚上 證道 4 認識上帝的救贖,真實敬拜
- 5/26 週日早上 -1 證道 5 認識神從始至終的作爲
- 5/26 週日早上 -2 主持主餐
大會期間還安排了豐富多彩的球類比賽 ,也提供幼兒看顧,宵夜等。
請大家爲這次的大會禱告,多多邀請弟兄姐妹和朋友們參加,期待與大家在Lake Yale 相見!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Lord! We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Florida Chinese Christian Summer Retreat 2024,
set to take place at Lake Yale from May 24th to 26th, 2024.
This gathering will unite various churches from across Florida for worship, fellowship, and the study of God's Word, to exalt His name and manifest His glory.
Under the theme of "Knowing God and Renewing Your Mind", we anticipate a spiritually enriching experience.
Reverend John Chao will be the keynote speaker for the Chinese congregation,
while Reverend Kevin Anderson will address the English-speaking congregation.
Additionally, we have arranged four workshops for the Chinese congregation, along with sports competitions
and provisions for childcare and late-night snacks.
Workshops tailored for young adults, college students, and youth are also in place,
with teaching sessions led by representatives from CEF for our children.
Your prayers for the success of this retreat and for those we plan to invite are earnestly sought.
We eagerly anticipate your participation alongside your family in this blessed event.
In Christ,
Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church
Mar 3, 2024