
1955年9月出生於中國河南省。1982年底,在其人生旅程發生重大變化後開始接觸基督信仰。經過近8年的掙扎、思索與徘徊,於1990 年蒙恩接受耶穌基督為救主。1991年來美讀神學,其間經歷真實的認罪悔改,生命被基督徹底改變。1996年底與妻子屈儆聆姊妹一起創辦《生命季刊》,2001年創辦《生命與信仰》。現為“中國基督徒生命團契”(Chinese Christian Life Fellowship-CCLiFe)總幹事、《生命季刊》及《生命與信仰》主編。他在近年來所帶領的各類聚會中,以“耶穌基督並祂釘十字架”為中心信息,強調回歸聖經和回歸十字架;強調因信稱義和認罪悔改;強調過聖潔生活和過付代價的門徒生活。

He was born in Henan province in September 1955. At the end of 1982, he began to touch Christian faith after encounting a big change in his life. After 8 years of struggling, seeking and wandering, he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior in 1990. In 1991, he came to the Unite States to study theology. The years in seminary saw his life changed completely by Christ. He experienced true confession and repentance. At the end of year 1996, he started the magazine Christian Life Quarterly together with his wife Qu Jinling. In year 2001 he founded magazine Life and Faith. Currently he is serving as the Director General of Chinese Christian Life Fellowship (CCLiFe), the chief editor of Christian Life Quarterly and Life and Faith. In the Christian gatherings and retreats he's been leading in recent years, his main message has always been "Jesus Christ and him crucified". He put great emphasis on going back to the Bible and going back to the cross, on righteous by faith, on true confession and repentance, and on the importance of being holy in daily life and pay the price as disciples.

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