
中文堂講員 Chinese Ministry Speaker

英文堂講員 Eglish Ministry Speaker

證道及專題錄音 Recorded Messages

歡迎您聆聽或下載 2017 年佛州華人夏令退修會證道及專題錄音

感謝主,2017年的退修會已圓滿結束。如果您願意重溫,可至 [這裡] 聆聽或下載。願大家在靈裡都有豐富的得著,我們 2018 年見。

Praise the Lord, the 2017 retreat was a success. We all have been refreshed and changed by His Word. You may click [here] to listen or download audio files of the messages and special topics. We hope to see you in 2018.



   今年佛州華人基督徒夏令退修會將於五月二十六 (周五) 至二十八日 (周日)在 Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center (39034 County Road 452, Leesburg, FL 34788) 舉行。此次退修會由塔城華人基督教會Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church主辦。


    本次大會中文堂講員是章開第牧師,主題是『迦勒的道路』。英文堂講員是Thomas Wang牧師, 主題是“Radical Love”。 兩位講員將分別帶領五堂的聚會。 Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) 將派同工前來,在同一時間教導兒童,嬰幼兒由各教會的同 工輪流看顧。除此之外,我們還安排了關於福音、宣教、家庭、夫妻關係等的專題講座以 及籃球、排球、乒乓球等項目精彩的比賽。願意參加比賽的弟兄姊妹和朋友需註冊兩天以上的大會行程。比賽報名時間是5月26號。








Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 
Peace from the Lord! 
2017 Florida Chinese Christian Summer Retreat will be held from May 26 (Fri) - 28 (Sun) at Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center (39034 County Road 452, Leesburg, FL 34788) as usual. This year’s retreat will be organized by Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church. 

The speaker for the Chinese Program is Rev. Caleb Chang and the theme is “Caleb's Journey”. The speaker for the English Program is Pastor Thomas Wang and the theme is “Radical Love”. Both speakers will be leading five sessions each. At the same time, the children will have their own program. Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) will send their coworkers to teach our children. In addition, we also have arranged special topic seminars (related to gospel, mission, family, and couples), child-care, sport games (Basketball, Volleyball, and Table Tennis). Please note that those interested in participating in sports tournaments mush be registered for at least 2 days of the conference. Sports tournament sign-ups will occur during registration on Friday, May 26. We welcome your participation. Further details can be found at this website.

May the grace of the Lord be with you. 

Coworkers of Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church 


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