


歡迎您聆聽、觀看或下載 2014 年佛州華人夏令退修會證道及專題影音資料

感謝主,2014年的退修會已圓滿結束。如果您願意重溫,可至 [這裡] 聆聽、觀看或下載。願大家在靈裡都有豐富的得著,我們 2015 年見。

Praise the Lord,the 2014 retreat was a success. We all have been refreshed and changed by His Word. You may go to [Here] to review or download audio & video files of the messages and special topics. See you all in 2015.

Welcome to 2014 Florida Chinese Christian Summer Retreat

歡迎您來參加 2014 年佛州華人夏令退修會

Dear brothers, sisters and friends,


The yearly Florida Chinese Christian Summer Retreat is coming soon. We thank God, for He has been using this event as connections between churches and between people. Every time, we can’t wait to see each other again; every time, we don’t want to leave each other again either. The gathering only lasts for 2 days, but the sweetness of experiencing brothers dwelling together in harmony stay in our hearts forever.


The 2014 Florida Chinese Christian Summer Retreat will be held from May 23 through 25; we are meeting again by beautiful Lake Yale to enjoy God’s grace. The host of this year is Orlando Chinese Evangelical Christian Church (OCECC), and the co-hosts are: Living Stone Community Church, Evangelical Formosan Church of Orlando, and Melbourne Chinese Christian & Missionary Alliance Church.


This year, the Chinese speaker Rev. Lai-chang Kang will bring us the message of “With Hearts as One, Let Us Revive the Gospel”. Rev. Kang received his Doctor of Theology from Vanderbilt University; he was the Director of Academic Affairs of China Evangelical Seminary, and now is the Lead Pastor of Hsin-Yi Friendship Presbyterian Church, Taipei, Taiwan. In the retreat sermons, by using Philippians 1:5-6 as the key to unlock stories from Moses and David to Jesus Christ and His Church, Rev. Kang will tell us how Christ has done his work in us to fulfill the Gospel.


The youth group speaker June Hunt’s message will be “Hope for the Heart”. June Hunt is the founder of Hope for the Heart - a Biblical counseling ministry. For decades, her gifts have been used by God in the area of Biblical counseling. We pray that in this retreat God will do His work through June to open many young hearts, so that knowing Jesus can be their lives’ highest priority.


Just like previous retreats, besides the theme messages, there will also be special topics, morning devotions and evening prayers. This year, a special topic specifically for the youth and hosted by a coalition of four youth groups has been added to the schedule.


Let’s see each other again at Lake Yale, pray to God that we’ll be united to share His love, His grace and His word, equip ourselves with the power He gives us, and taste the happiness of worshiping Him together around His throne, in His kingdom.


See you at Lake Yale.


May God bless you!



       親愛的弟兄姐妹和朋友們,2014年佛州華人教會退修會快要到了。 感謝神借著一年一次的退修會,將我們各教會的弟兄姐妹和朋友們連結起來,每一次看到一張張熟悉的笑臉,仿佛故友重逢。每一次會議的結束,都期盼著下一次的相聚。 透過這短短兩天時間聚會,讓我們真切體驗到弟兄和睦同居的甘美。


       2014年佛州華人教會退修會將於5月23至25日召開,我們將再一次相聚在美麗的耶魯湖畔,一同享受神賜下的豐盛恩典。 今年的退修會將由奧蘭多華人福音教會主辦,奧蘭多基石宣道會,奧蘭多台福教會,和墨爾本華人宣道會協辦。


       今年大會的中文講員是康來昌牧師,主題是“同心合一,興旺福音”。康牧師獲美國范德堡大學(Vanderbilt)神學博士, 曾任中華福音神學院教務主任,目前擔任台北信友堂主任牧師。康牧師將以腓立比書1:5-6為匙節,按照整本聖經將福音展開,從摩西和大衛開始,一直到基督和他的教會, 闡明耶穌基督如何在我們身上成全他的福音。


       今年大會的青少年講員是June Hunt, 主題是Hope for the Heart, June Hunt是Hope for the Heart 聖經輔導機構的創始人, 多年來在聖經輔導方面被神大大的使用。盼望在這次大會上,神借著她開啟更多青少年的心,讓他們以認識基督為一生的至寶。


       和往年一樣,大會除內容豐富的主題信息之外,還有專題、晨更、和晚禱等豐富多彩的信息。 今年大會還特別增加了一堂針對年輕人的專題信息,由佛州四個青年團契組成的聯合團契主持和召集。


       讓我們再次相約在美麗的耶魯湖畔,求神借著這次期盼已久的大會,再次把我們聚集在一起,在神的慈愛和恩典中享受他話語的甘甜, 在聯合敬拜中領受他賜下的能力,初嘗在新天新地萬族萬民一同環繞寶座俯伏敬拜的壯舉。




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