中文堂講員 Chinese Ministry Speaker
英文堂講員 Eglish Ministry Speaker
歡迎您聆聽或下載 2015 年佛州華人夏令退修會證道及專題錄音
感謝主,2015年的退修會已圓滿結束。如果您願意重溫,可至 [這裡] 聆聽或下載。願大家在靈裡都有豐富的得著,我們 2016 年見。
Praise the Lord, the 2015 retreat was a success. We all have been refreshed and changed by His Word.
You may click [here] to listen or download audio files of the messages and special topics.
We hope to see you in 2016.
請在 Registration 網頁中報名後參加。
今年大會的英文及青少年事工講員是Tommy Wong 弟兄,主題是 ”The Gospel - God's Big Story”。
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) 將派同工來教導我們的兒童。因此,兒童們有他們自己的聚會。我們也安排了幼兒看顧。歡迎您們攜家帶眷並邀請朋友一同來報名參加。
另外,馬禮遜掛圖 將在大會期間展出。八百多張精美歷史圖片展現馬禮遜來華後基督教在中國兩百年歷史。
感謝神借著一年一次的退修會,將我們各教會的弟兄姐妹和朋友們連結起來。 透過這短短兩天多時間聚會,讓我們真切體驗到弟兄和睦同居的甘美。
Dear Brothers and Sisters and Friends,
2015 Florida Chinese Christian Retreat is about to begin. This year’s retreat will be held from Friday, May 22 through Sunday, May 24.
To attend the retreat, please register at the Registration webpage.
Please refer to Registration Information for registration process and detail.
The speaker of the Chinese ministry is Rev. Morley Lee. The theme of his messages is “I am here.”
Rev. Lee has been the Director of Care Ministries International (CMI) since 2012.
CMI, based in Los Angeles, California, is a missionary organization with a vision of “Gospel Enters China, Gospel Comes out of China.”
Rev. Lee will review the life of Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah, and how they responded, and how we should respond, to God’s calling.
Rev. Lee will lead us in knowing Jesus, in following Jesus, and in proclaiming Jesus.
We believe that Rev. Lee's messages will not only help us, the believers, to grow in Jesus spiritually but also help those who have not yet believed in Jesus to know God.
For this reason, on Saturday afternoon, we prepared a Gospel session for those who are interested in Christian belief and Gospel to ask questions and get answers.
The speaker of the English and youth ministry is Brother Tommy Wong. The theme of his messages is ”The Gospel - God's Big Story.”
Each speaker will lead five sessions. Furthermore, we will have diverse and interesting topic sessions, a questions-and-answers session, morning devotions, evening prayers,
and sports games for relaxation. Coworkers from Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) will teach children while parents are attending their sessions so that children will have their own fellowship.
We will also have babysitting. Please bring your family and invite your friends to register and attend.
Additionally, Robert Morrison Missionary Exhibition will be displayed at the retreat. More than 800 beautiful historic pictures will lead you through the 200-year history of Christianity in China since Robert Morrison.
We are thankful that God unites us from all over Florida in this annual event.
In this almost three-day retreat, we feel the goodness and pleasure of brothers and sisters dwelling together in unity.
Once again, we will meet by the beautiful Lake Yale and enjoy God’s abundant grace.
This year, Gainesville Chinese Christian Church is hosting the retreat with technical assistance from Chinese Christian Church of Jacksonville.
For questions and suggestions, please call or email the appropriate contact coworker directly.
See you at Lake Yale!
God bless!